How do I join a group?
To join a group you must be registered on the site (A). You can create a new profile or simply log in with your existing account. Registration is free. There are no further costs for users of the site. Not even for making calls or starting a group. You can find groups in the groups-overview.
Step 1
Click on a group. You will now see a detailed overview of the group (see image) .
Step 2
To join the relevant call, click the "Join This Group" button (B) . You will now see a pop-up window indicating whether you are automatically registered (open group) or whether the group-admin has yet to accept you (closed call).
As soon as you are accepted you will see profile picture with the participants of the group on the left side of the screen (C) . With a closed group, as soon as the group-admin has accepted you, you will see a notification via the globe in the top right (D) . You can have these messages forwarded to your mail. You can set this in notification settings via the menu top right when you click on your profile picture (E) .

Note 1
You can always leave the group. Click on the button “ Leave Group ” (F) . A pop-up window will appear in which you have to confirm that you are unsubscribing. The group-admin will receive a message.
Note 2
Would you like to give comments of share photo's or do you have any questions for the group-admin? As a group member, you can always share messages, photos on the message board within the group (G) . Of course you can place calls in the group. Members of the group will receive a notification via the globe (D) .